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Faith of Our Fathers [DVD]
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Faith of Our Fathers [DVD]

Product ID: 26121964
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John Paul and Wayne are two young men in search of their fathers. Problem is… their fathers have been dead for 25 years. Eddie and Steven are two young men in search of their sons… whom they've never met. In 1969, Eddie and Steven are with their squad deep in the jungle of Vietnam on a five-day mission to retrieve fallen comrades. They write letters to their wives, often mentioning their love for their sons, one, who is an infants and one yet to be born.In 1994, John Paul and Wayne go on a five-day road trip to the Vietnam Wall in Washington DC to see their fathers' names. Along the way, reading those letters, they begin to get an understanding of who their fathers were and how they died.Trials and mishaps, both funny and sad, complicate the road trip for the boys.The horrors of war and the testing of faith manifest themselves for the young men in Vietnam. Ultimately, in parallel stories – 25 years apart – the fathers and sons are bound together forever.Bonus Content:The Heart of "Faith of Our Fathers"Honoring Father's DayCommemorating Memorial DaySi Robertson InterviewStephen Baldwin InterviewTrailers

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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