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Upgrade Your Wardrobe with Theodore Dreiser Essentials

Revamp your routine with dependable and stylish Theodore Dreiser solutions.

Theodore Dreiser - The "Genius": "I acknowledge the Furies. I believe in them. I have heard the disastrous beating of their wings"

Theodore Dreiser - The "Genius": "I acknowledge the Furies. I believe in them. I have heard the disastrous beating of their wings"

5,100 Fr
Jennie Gerhardt - ILLUSTRATED

Jennie Gerhardt - ILLUSTRATED

3,199 Fr
The Financier Illustrated

The Financier Illustrated

4,204 Fr
An American Tragedy

An American Tragedy

1,300 Fr
Theodore Dreiser - The Titan: "Why must women torment me so?"

Theodore Dreiser - The Titan: "Why must women torment me so?"

3,016 Fr
Some Early Writings of Theodore Dreiser: The Prophet; Theodore Dreiser, Success Monger; Dreiser and Success, an Additional Note

Some Early Writings of Theodore Dreiser: The Prophet; Theodore Dreiser, Success Monger; Dreiser and Success, an Additional Note

7,800 Fr
The Financier: Theodore Dreiser's Gripping Novel of Ambition and Financial Machinations

The Financier: Theodore Dreiser's Gripping Novel of Ambition and Financial Machinations

86 Fr
A Bibliography of the Writings of Theodore Dreiser

A Bibliography of the Writings of Theodore Dreiser

4,843 Fr
The Titan by Theodore Dreiser - illustrated and annotated edition -

The Titan by Theodore Dreiser - illustrated and annotated edition -

9,000 Fr
The financier (1912) NOVEL by Theodore Dreiser (Original Version)

The financier (1912) NOVEL by Theodore Dreiser (Original Version)

3,800 Fr
Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt,

Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt,

5,342 Fr
The Stoic: Volume 3

The Stoic: Volume 3

7,000 Fr
The Financier: The Critical Edition

The Financier: The Critical Edition

16,842 Fr
The Titan illustrated

The Titan illustrated

5,649 Fr
The Titan Illustrated

The Titan Illustrated

3,759 Fr
The Titan

The Titan

2,171 Fr
Theodore Dreiser - Twelve Men: "Let no one underestimate the need of pity"

Theodore Dreiser - Twelve Men: "Let no one underestimate the need of pity"

4,500 Fr
Best Short Stories of Theodore Dreiser

Best Short Stories of Theodore Dreiser

6,000 Fr
Jennie Gerhardt Illustrated

Jennie Gerhardt Illustrated

6,000 Fr
Sister Carrie (Vintage Classics)

Sister Carrie (Vintage Classics)

1,800 Fr
The Titan-Original Edition(Annotated)

The Titan-Original Edition(Annotated)

5,953 Fr
Theodore Dreiser - Free & Other Stories: "Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail"

Theodore Dreiser - Free & Other Stories: "Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail"

2,900 Fr
The Financier

The Financier

3,500 Fr
The Financier, a novel by: Theodore Dreiser

The Financier, a novel by: Theodore Dreiser

6,900 Fr
Sister Carrie (Vintage Classics)

Sister Carrie (Vintage Classics)

1,500 Fr
The Financier: Trilogy of Desire, Book 1 (Annotated)

The Financier: Trilogy of Desire, Book 1 (Annotated)

2,805 Fr
Free and Other Stories

Free and Other Stories

3,215 Fr
An American Tragedy: The Original Classic Edition by Theodore Dreiser - Unabridged and Annotated For Modern Readers and Book Clubs

An American Tragedy: The Original Classic Edition by Theodore Dreiser - Unabridged and Annotated For Modern Readers and Book Clubs

4,600 Fr
The "Genius" (Volume I)

The "Genius" (Volume I)

5,300 Fr
Jennie Gerhardt-Classic Edition(Annotated)

Jennie Gerhardt-Classic Edition(Annotated)

10,300 Fr
The Financier IllustratedTheodore

The Financier IllustratedTheodore

2,649 Fr
The Financier: The first book in the "Trilogy of Desire" series (Annotated)

The Financier: The first book in the "Trilogy of Desire" series (Annotated)

2,701 Fr
The Titan Annotated

The Titan Annotated

3,727 Fr
Jennie Gerhardt Annotated

Jennie Gerhardt Annotated

3,163 Fr
Theodore DreiserAn American Tragedy

Theodore DreiserAn American Tragedy

2,195 Fr
The Financier: World's Classics

The Financier: World's Classics

9,000 Fr
The Titan

The Titan

2,653 Fr
Sister Carrie: 1890s Urban American Life Novels (Annotated)

Sister Carrie: 1890s Urban American Life Novels (Annotated)

5,400 Fr
The Titan Annotated (Maple Classics)

The Titan Annotated (Maple Classics)

7,000 Fr
H. L. Mencken On Theodore Dreiser

H. L. Mencken On Theodore Dreiser

3,455 Fr
Jennie Gerhardt Illustrated

Jennie Gerhardt Illustrated

3,978 Fr
The Financier A Novel

The Financier A Novel

7,631 Fr
The Titan: An Unyielding Portrait of Power, Ambition, and the American Dream.

The Titan: An Unyielding Portrait of Power, Ambition, and the American Dream.

6,181 Fr
An American Tragedy PaRT-1: by Theodore Dreiser

An American Tragedy PaRT-1: by Theodore Dreiser

1,465 Fr
The Titan

The Titan

2,384 Fr
The Titan: Corrected and Edited Unabridged Original Text

The Titan: Corrected and Edited Unabridged Original Text

6,784 Fr
Sister Carrie

Sister Carrie

4,290 Fr
Plays of the Natural and the Supernatural[1916], by Theodore Dreiser

Plays of the Natural and the Supernatural[1916], by Theodore Dreiser

1,698 Fr
Sister Carrie: A Norton Critical Edition: 0

Sister Carrie: A Norton Critical Edition: 0

8,900 Fr
Sister Carrie: The 1900 American Literary Classic (Annotated)

Sister Carrie: The 1900 American Literary Classic (Annotated)

3,400 Fr
Twelve Men illustrated edition

Twelve Men illustrated edition

4,655 Fr