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Product ID: 432165811
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ANYONE RECOVERY CLEANSER 120ml Mild and Clean cleansing, Anyone Calamine 6.5 Cleanser pH Balance & Hypoallergenic Calming Car Main Effect Calming Effect Mild and clean cleansing Soothing Effect & pH Balance For Sensitive Skin Calming Hypoallergenic Formula Dermatologically tested Passed skin allergy tests HOW TO USE When washing your skin, apply an appropriate amount and let it foam up, then gently pat it all around your face before rinsing it thoroughly with warm water. ANYONE RECOVERY SERUM 50ml Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle serum for Sensitive Skins 1) ANYONE RECOVERY SERUM is made from EWG Green scores ingredients only and contains Chamaecyparis Obtusa. The Extract which provides abundant moisture, prevents skin dryness, relieves skin troubles and helps reduce wrinkles. 2) Contains Panthenol Vitamin B5 and Fermented Compound Extracts which help tired skin cells get their moisture and vivacity back, clearing up your skin while keeping it well hydrated. HOW TO USE Pump 1-2 times at the essence step of your skincare routine and gently apply it all over the face. ANYONE CALMING TONER 200ml Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle toner for Sensitive Skins 1) ANYONE CALMING TONER is made from EWG Green scores ingredients only and contains Chamaecyparis Obtusa. Extract which provides abundant moisture, prevents skin dryness, relieves skin troubles and helps reduce wrinkles. 2) Contains Panthenol Vitamin B5 and Fermented Compound Extracts which help tired skin cells get their moisture and vivacity back, clearing up your skin while keeping it well hydrated. How to use After cleansing your face thoroughly, use an appropriate amount and apply it all over your face, then gently pat your skin until the product is absorbed. ANYONE RECOVERY CREAM 80ml Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle cream for Sensitive Skins 1) ANYONE RECOVERY CREAM is made from EWG Green scores ingredients only and contains Chamaecyparis Obtusa. The Extract which provides abundant moisture, prevents skin dryness, relieves skin troubles and helps reduce wrinkles. 2) Contains Panthenol Vitamin B5 and Fermented Compound Extracts which help tired skin cells get their moisture and vivacity back, clearing up your skin while keeping it well hydrated.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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