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Better Homes & Gardens Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine 4.37oz Scented Candle, Gray
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Better Homes & Gardens Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine 4.37oz Scented Candle, Gray

Product ID: 501828004
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The Better Homes & Gardens Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine 4.37oz Scented Ceramic Candle, Gray fills the air with a fresh fragrance whenever the wick is lit. Silk and jasmine aromas provide a subtle, alluring scent while citronella repels mosquitoes. This gray ceramic candle features a concrete-like finish that complements any style of indoor and outdoor décor. You can even repurpose this stylish vessel after candle use and reuse it as a planter! Whether in your living room, screened-in porch, or backyard, the Better Homes & Gardens Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine 4.37oz Scented Single-Wick Ceramic Candle, Gray will add ambiance wherever its flame glows. Better Homes & Gardens Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine 4.37oz Scented Candle, Gray Scent Notes: Citronella, Silk, and Jasmine Repels mosquitoes during outdoor use This ceramic candle’s small size makes it perfect for window sills, patio tables, and other household surfaces[ For best results, place several citronella candles around the area where people will gather to create a perimeter against mosquitoes Always trim wick to 1/4 inch before lighting and keep debris out of wax pool Candles should never burn longer than a 4-hour interval Set candle on heat-resistant surface and avoid drafts Always burn within sight and extinguish before leaving room Keep away from children and pets Don't extinguish with water Always let wax harden before relighting, touching, or moving

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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